Tuesday, March 17, 2015

The Grill is On

Grilled chicken and grilled veggies has been on my mind since my husband asked me to go get the grill tank filled. He's craving hot dogs. I'm not going to judge him for that.

Since our youngest can't seem to handle the preservatives in hot dogs, dinner can't just consist of hot dogs, so I decided this morning that we would have a grilled variety for dinner. A mixed grill, if you will.

I started off this morning by getting frozen chicken breasts from my freezer, putting them in my marinade container, and squeezing lemons over the top. Then I sliced up the lemons and tossed them in the container too. Next, I used a packaged vinaigrette dressing mix, followed the directions, and poured the mixture over my chicken breast. Italian dressing would work too, but I didn't have any on hand. Before I let it sit, I added about 2 tablespoons of prepared pesto because I love the flavor of basil on about anything grilled.

Since I was planning to fire up the grill anyway, I decided to soak some bamboo skewers in water while I prepped some veggies. I sliced up some fresh mushrooms, yellow squash, zucchini, and carrots, then I skewered them in patterns. Once they were all on, I put them in a pan and drizzled some vinaigrette over the top

I popped these lovelies in the fridge and headed off to work. When I got home, I hooked up the new tank on the grill, cleaned off the yuk from the winter, and turned all the burners to "High" to burn off the grossness. I used the wire brush on it a few times and let the fire heat up very hot.  Once the grill was ready for food,  I put all the marinated chicken on the bottom portion of my grill. You can see I loaded it up. My philosophy is to use every bit of space efficiently on the grill when I use it. Anything that we don't use today goes in the freezer for another day. I don't typically heat up the grill for just one or two items; I make the whole meal on the grill!

(See the hot dogs in the top left corner? Those are for my dear husband. And my picky daughter.)

Next up, I added the veggie skewers and the few hot dogs to the top rack, so they would not get burned by the high heat on the bottom rack.

Because I have read research about the health benefits of lemons preventing carcinogens in grilled foods, I like to toss the lemons right on the grill with the chicken. And it smells great. I bet the whole neighborhood is ready to get their grills out too after the aromas produced when that yummy vinaigrette marinade hit the heat with those lemons! Yum!

After several minutes, I gave the chicken breast a quick flip. There were some lemon casualties down between the grates of the grill.

The veggie kebabs needed a quick turn too.

Once I pulled it all off of the grill, I paired the grilled goodies with some baked beans and fruit for a fantastic meal!

The kids asked if we could please eat our meal outside on the porch, but alas, the weather is still a bit cold. Eating outside with a parka on takes away the enjoyment of grilled foods.

To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven
Ecclesiastes 3:1

Freezer meal note: For my freezer meal friends, I had four chicken breasts left over from this grilling time, so I chopped up one for tomorrow and put it in the fridge to top my salad for lunch, and then I took the other three and popped them in the freezer for another time when I want to have a low-calorie dinner without a lot of fuss!

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